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  • Writer's pictureDr. Jasmine Shah

Moving On

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Very few people will now call 2020 as Perfect Vision.

The serious threat of a cureless and fatal infection across the globe woke us upto our mortality.We were locked up in our homes .. not many had this luxury. Some who had this luxury could not stay home because they had an important part to play - medical and pharma sector, the essential supplies - food and utilities and the security - police, defence forces and security staff. The list is endless.... We should be grateful for the role they have played and continue to play in a hostile environment. Because of their roles, we were able to stay home and safe.

It has been an unforgettable 2 years and yet we would like to put it behind us and look forward to a more positive and less anxious year in 2022. The old way of living and making a living was disrupted. A New Normal had dawned and many services became obsolete. Jobs and businesses had to re-invented and it was a blood bath but without the blood. Covid 19 & the Corona virus won't go away so easily. It will rear it's ugly head time and again, but we are better prepared now and can get back to making plans and having newer adventures..

For me personally, IT IS time to really Move On.... again. Grateful that I survived this whilst many were not that lucky. I lost a strong figure in my life who always said yes to everything.....This was one senior citizen whose heart remained young. I could write reams on my Dad, but i just can't.

It is also literally Moving On for me as I relocate my clinic to a new place. I leave behind a blank space that will be filled by someone else.... But the number of stories that have been scripted in this place has been an amazing tale. I will miss this place and the heart is heavy. As I put my stuff into the big, brown emotionless corrugated boxes, a friend peeped in and asked what happened. A few more came in and we had a party like old times (how it hurts to say that). A neighbour whose light was frequently on late into the evenings asked who would keep him company over a cup of tea and home made snacks. But this sweet sorrow of pinning for something that was a big part of my life for the past few years, allows me to look ahead with the strength and hope that a new story lies ahead.

Life is to be lived in the present and by taking mindful steps towards the future. It may not be as bright BUT it could be brighter too. That is not going to stop me from trying my best. It's time to let go of what was .. I am giving it my all to what Can Be.. there is no other way.

It's time to loose sight of the port and look for newer horizons. It's time to cut the cord...

The soft voice from the past echoes again in my ear and I nod....

I am Moving On...

The party continues..

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