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Customizeable as per clients requirements across schools, corporates and community settings.

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Personal Excellence (Empowerment tools)

This workshop is designed for those seeking their own development. We all have our own fears – some are known, some are unknown and many are those which we do not want to see. The first step is to become aware of our real selves. The next step is looking deep within and finding out what would really put me in a state of happiness. By finding our strengths, we can focus on the application of these capabilities to enable us to be a successful person. The true measure of success lies in the ability to use what we have effectively for the overall good, rather than accumulate possessions and riches.


This 1-day workshop is directed at introducing oneself to the tools for self development. If practised regularly, the participants will:

  1. Learn to take responsibility for their lives.

  2. Learn to stop complaining and blaming others.

  3. Learn to take affirmative action

  4. Chart their own future and take actions to correct the course if required.

  5. Be effective as well as productive.

  6. Use hurdles as stepping stones to success.

  7. Learn to use Stress in a positive manner. (I hate the term Stress Management – who wants to manage stress?)

  8. Mindful living – Being in the now. A conscious effort to choose Happiness.



The Happy Life

Science has now confirmed that with certain practices we can change the neural pathways of our brain. Happiness is a set of skills we can learn through practice. Happiness is not outside. You may think a particular purchase or acquiring something will make you happy. This is not happiness. This is joy, which is happiness for a moment. It is short lived. True happiness comes from within? You must have heard the term “Dil Se” – that’s where happiness is – straight from the heart. You must choose it and count yourself lucky. Someone somewhere would die to live your kind of life. The very fact that you are here reading this is something to be grateful for. We are already a privileged lot. Don’t beat yourself. You are worth it and you have the power to make someone else aware of their worth too. Some steps to choose happiness:


Be Your Own Best Friend.

Practice Thankfulness.

Be Alive to the Moment.

Exercise your Right to Hope.


The trick is to practise the option to choose happiness in each moment. Through practice we can more deeply realize that happiness is not the result of what we bring into our life, but the consequence of how we choose to experience our life.


This workshop brings you in touch with yourself and offers a ray of hope to so many who feel that there has to be much more to life.

Teaching the Teacher


How would Graphology help a Teacher in her profession ?


All Schools teach their students the standard way of writing the different alphabets.Yet it will be difficult to find two children have the same writing, because each child has his own unique personality. Certain kids would be good in studies, few would be good in the arts, few would be good at remembering things while few will have trouble memorising or tend to forget. Some kids are self motivated while some will need constant push and support.


Teachers are the 2nd most important people in a child’s life. Through Graphology, a teacher would know each student’s personality just by looking at his/her writing and could enhance the true potentials of the child and help them in overcoming their weaknesses. The earlier we start on this road to improvement, the faster we can teach our students to learn to love & live life.


For more details click here


Graphology Course - Human Resource (Recruitment guidance & follow up)

Employee turnover figures are a nightmare for all corporate. The Human Resources department are more involved in hiring than in development of the employees. An employer would love to have loyal staff. It ensures continuity of the work process with minimum disruption. A constant parade of faces joining and leaving the organisation creates a negative image of the company.


Each individual is a complex human being and a holistic picture of the Employee must be considered. If the HR is successful in this, then they will be in a better position to select the right candidate and fit him in the right position. The chances of the employee staying for a longer period increases.


Frequently companies hire people due to their strong credentials or good past performances. However, the employee fails to live up to the expectations. In such cases, Graphology can help in reviewing the potential of the employee and certain writing exercises can be developed which will help the employee cope with the requirements of his work or alternatively place him in a position more suited to his personality.


I love the story about food wastage which really explains this concept so nicely.

“Order what you can consume, the money is yours, but resources belong to the society. There are many others in the world, who are facing shortage of resources. You have no right to waste the nation’s resources.’


We have right to use resources, We do not have a right to waste them.


For more details click here

Conscious Parenting

No school provides the education or training to help us deal with challenges we face as parents. We fail to understand child’s behavioural changes and hence fail to deal with our child’s mental, emotional and behavioural needs. Conscious Parenting workshop aims to  bridge the gap in our knowledge base about  a child’s behaviour.


We as parents, teachers and students of life spend a lot of time wandering about what path to embark on for a happy and successful life. Performance of a student in the board exam will decide his next course of action. Marks in a particular subject will decide if he is to become an Engineer, Accountant, Doctor or Artist. Also the unfulfilled dreams of the parents are burdened onto the fragile shoulders of a budding talent suppressing his innate talent and potential.


Imagine few years down the line and the student decides that this is not his cup of tea and wants to change his field of study. Unhappiness, regret, time and money spent along with the weight of expectations prey on the hapless mind.


This course is for all those who would love to contribute to a society comprising of happy, confident and evolved children.


This 1-day course will give a brief introduction to the subject. For those interested in advanced parenting skills, customised program can be made.


This course will address:


  • Meaning of Conscious Parenting

  • Understanding Parent-Child Relationship

  • Better Parent-Child Communication.

  • Special Children – Special Needs – are not all children special?

Improved Focus & Study Habits

This course is designed for Students. In this age of disruptive technology, it is very easy for a student to lose focus. The constant demand to be available for others and to reach out is taking a toll on the concentration of the Student. Even professionals struggle to cope with this kind of pressure.  The constant exposure to media and technology and information overload has numbed the mind. The capacity to think constructively as well as critically is diminishing. The cut-copy-paste population have begun having opinions of others and led like stray cattle.


Students need to disconnect and unplug themselves from this distractive technology I am not for banning this as it has become a way of life. But this is not the only Life. Life is out in the open. We need to lift our heads up and see the real life. There are greater problems to solve than trying to be the first to post breaking news in the group. Lots of children have used this technology for the betterment of others. But a majority of students find it difficult to get out of this addiction.


The program aims at

  • Making them aware of this so that they can take action to control it.

  • Sharing tips for effective time management and being able to manage the balance of study and play.

  • Better study habits for effective retention of lessons.

  • Methods of summarising.

  • Types of learning styles

  • Learning for life and not preparing for exams.

Geriatric Wellness

Wellness can be defined as the capacity of an individual to fulfil their spiritual, physical, social, psychological and economic potential, and also contribute to their expected role within the family, workplace and community. Due to the advances in medical facilities, we have been able to increase the life expectancy of our “Older Children”. I use this term with the same respect that I accord to my younger children. They are the gifts that we have been blessed with. They are the reason why we have come into existence and why we continue to enjoy life today.


This workshop addresses the nutritional, spiritual, physical requirements that an elder has. The essence of the workshop is to make them aware of their own needs and how they can make certain changes to their life so that they can continue to have fun. Prevention of further deterioration of ageing bodies and motivating them to enjoy their golden years will ensure that we will not lose this invaluable resource of knowledge, experience, culture and emotions available right in our homes.


The core areas for improving their life are:

  • Nutrition

  • Safety

  • Healthy mind & a fit body.

  • Regular medical check ups

  • Counselling


The 4 hour workshop is an interactive one and experiential so that they can have fun and learn at the same time.

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