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THE HOLISTIC APPROACH - Healing & Not Just Treatment

Holistic Health is the state of wellness required to live a life of Harmony such that you are able to sing your song. The mind is free to follow the heart, the body well enough to support the journey and the spirit is at ease and open to the adventure of life.

Following are the steps I follow to develop a “wholistic” picture:

Step 1: Receiving the case – Getting the story.

Step 2: Reaching the core – Getting the ”Story behind the story”

Step 3: Identify the belief systems and creating awareness to open up the path to healing.

Step 4: Facilitate a harmonious flow of energy through the various alternative and complementary therapies to bring about a catalytic transformation leading to healing.


Complementary & Alternative Therapies integrated in my practice include the following:



Homoeopathy also called Homeopathy is a branch of medicine originated in Germany in 1794 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like ("Similia Similibus Curentur").


Homeopathy believes that disease is not limited to a particular organ - it has an effect on the mind and body - the whole organism.  Disturbance of the life force (the vital energy of the body) is the cause of illness. Homeopathy considers the physical as well as psychological symptoms and then treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease.


Medical philosophy is slowly coming to the conclusion that the mere treatment of symptoms and organs can only help temporarily and that it is the healing power of the body as a whole that has to be enhanced. Homeopathy believes in a holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach. Homoeopathic medication is safe, non-toxic & is especially useful in treating chronic (long lasting) problems related to skin, digestive system, hair loss, hormonal (thyroid), etc. as against conventional allopathic medication which puts a heavy toxic load on the system.



Clinical Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary and alternative medicine in which imagination is used in an attempt to help with a variety problems, such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress.  Based on the analysis of the patient's problem, a therapist will prepare an individualized hypnosis program to motivate or alter the disruptive behavioural patterns. The purpose is to regain control of what has been lost and which led to the problem. Self hypnosis can also be taught, and the patient is advised to try regularly at home for faster results.


Many emotional disturbances, mental health and psycho-somatic diseases can be effectively treated with clinical hypnosis. Addiction to smoking, drugs, eating disorders, self-esteem, low self-confidence, no motivation, studies, exams, anxieties, phobias and fear are some of the common problems which can be treated with the help of hypnotherapy. Anti-depressant and chemical based create havoc with the body chemistry and only suppress the problem while hypnotherapy empowers the patient to take charge of their lives.

AWAKENING AND RESTORING THE CHAKRA - Chakra Healing or Balancing the Wheels of Life


Chakra -Sanskrit word for “wheel”. Chakras are energetic power centers that both take in and distribute energy throughout the body. There are seven major chakras that correspond to the nerve plexus and endocrine glands in our physical body. These power centres need to be open and balanced.


Each Chakra has a corresponding color and these colours alongwith meditative and visualization techniques help in restoring the energy. Modern day stresses drain or distort the flow of energy. It is believed that blocked or completely open Chakras can lead to illness in those areas of the body. Imbalanced Chakras lead to a feeling of low energy.


Mind-Body balance is the key and Chakra Healing is something you can do easily to consciously take control of your state of health & wellness to create deeper happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.



EFT is a simple healing tool to address many emotional or physical issues. It is extremely effective in tackling fears, anxieties, anger, depressions and other psychological blocks.


I call it the “TAP dance” – tapping to be happy.

Once this technique is taught, anyone can do it at home. Guidance is generally required in carefully choosing the framing of the affirmations as these messages have a direct effect on the subconscious mind.


EFT is not about bluffing your way to resolution of your issues. It is an honest acknowledgment of an issue that is troubling you, a decision to change because you want to overcome that obstacle and move ahead in life.



There are times in life when things seem to be going against us. Many questions arise, none are answered. The stresses work place, society. A sense of despondency creeps in and we feel completely overwhelmed. No solace seems to come life are increasing. They seem to come at us from all sides – relationships, home, school,


Counsellors become a necessity when you seem to be having no one on your side. Sharing is a great stress reliever by itself.  It helps to talk with a person who is not prejudiced by their perception of your past. Counselling is an effective therapy and can be used to handle issues arising from thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Cognitive counselling helps a client by providing further understanding on why one thinks, feels and acts in a certain manner. Perception can change and once this realisation takes place, healing begins. Counselling gives good results in Stress related disorders.


Personal, family and couples COUNSELLING is done to enable the individuals to live a happy life. All it takes is the willingness to choose happiness for the common good – the self and the relationship.

GRAPHOLOGY - The power to change lies in your hands.


Graphology (or Graphoanalysis / body and soul.  Thoughts and emotions flow as impulses from our subconscious, guiding our hands and fingertips to write letters and words which bear the unique imprint of our personality. It involves interpreting these traits and their source at a physical, emotional and spiritual level to understand why people and situations are the way they are.Grafology)) is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting to evaluate the personality characteristics. Graphology is a science that connects mind,


We were all taught to write alphabets in the same way, yet each of us has a unique and different style of writing. The originality is reflected in the handwriting or any other output in the form of signature, drawing, doodle, etc which comes directly from our subconscious mind.


Graphology can be used in professional and career planning, self development, pre and post marriage relationship improvement, spiritual parenting, students, employees growth and development, It is also used in the detection of crimes like insurance and financial fraud, forgery of documents and criminal profiling. In medical field, it has been used in detection of diseases and also improving health through Graphotherapy or Graphopathology.

Alternative therapies help one bloom from within.

It restores the inner soil from where the potential to heal and grow is suppressed.

This energy has to be tapped.

Remember the door to happiness opens from within.

Only YOU CAN Open It. 

Healers can just show the way.. You have to walk on your own.


Integrative Healing Tools by Dr. Jasmine Shah

Sunflower Field
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