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"I look at my life as a work in progress and feel there is so much more to learn and give. I wish to spread this love and healing to as many as I can, facilitating them to unleash and realise their true potential and purpose and helping them find their joy and peace within."

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am Dr. Jasmine Jatin Shah, a Classical Homeopath graduated from the Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College Mumbai & a post-graduation from The British Institute of Homoeopathy, London. 

I made a conscious choice many years ago to heal people on a physical, constitutional and emotional level & embarked on the scientific and spiritual journey of Homeopathy - the gift of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann to the world. Self-awareness and personal development was a pleasant bonus I acquired in this endeavour. However, an unexpected and unimaginable turn in my journey put me through one of life’s toughest lessons. It compelled me to explore different means of healing that would help me to recover and move on. Life throws a googly (curveball) at you all the time. There is no way out…there is no way around it… you have to go through it.


I was fortunate to come across many masters and guides in my quest. They are an integral part of me and my life today. I mastered EFT, Graphology (Handwriting Analysis/ Grafology)  & Hypnosis - different modalities leading to an integrated realm, causing a paradigm shift in my perspective. All these techniques made me realise that our mind is the most important friend and/or enemy we have. It brought in me, a deeper understanding of why people and situations are the way they are & that the ones that give you the hardest time are indeed your best teachers. With this realisation, any negativity towards people and situations reduced drastically, helping me to evolve and live joyously.


I have since then stayed committed to assisting and facilitating numerous people to find and ignite the joy, love and passion in them, helping them overcome their difficulties and see their own life for the gift it is and what it can become. Every morning I wake up, feeling so grateful for the opportunity to see the look in the eyes of my clients filled with realisation, clarity, contentment, awareness, joy, confidence or simply the excitement of living every moment in life. It is a great joy to see this kind of metamorphosis, transformation and blossoming of an individual spirit in alignment with the true spirit of their nature.


Our life at this moment is the result of a million cumulative choices we have made out of the infinite alternate possibilities that every moment holds for us. Each of those moments we could have created alternate realities, by choosing a different course of action, or feeling or even thinking a different thought. And here we all are now, living the life that we created out of the multiple choices that life offered us at every turn, most of these choices made without a thought.

I think of myself as a catalyst for transformation. I hope that in my own small way I would be able to empower our race to re-discover the joy of living and sharing...... even if it is one person at a time.


Life rarely gives a second chance. Make the most of it!


Dr. Jasmine Jatin Shah, BHMS (Mumbai), MD (UK)











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