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  • Writer's pictureDr. Jasmine Shah


Updated: Jul 1, 2020

#Mental and #Emotional #Health is basic, fundamental part of our overall #Wellbeing. 2020 has been and will be the year that changed everything in my 2 decades of experience as #homoeopath, counselor, #Graphotherapist versus the last 3 months of #e- therapy & counselling.. I am moved with the array and multifariousness of the symptoms clients have displayed. There were many cases of fear & anxiety about existence itself. Panic attacks and the feeling of doom or depression are common place in the face of this invisible enemy. People were being fired and had no jobs or businesses had closed down and income was no longer coming in. Second most common were cases of marital strife & difficulties in relationships. These were followed by grief due to bereavement, fear of the unknown, & sleelessness. The fast deterioration in the health of those affected by the COVID-19 disease has made this pandemic one of the worst to affect mankind till date. Inspite of possessing hi-tech medical systems & skilled manpower, the technological advanced human race has been laid low by this tiny protein. Quaraninting oneself has been the only way to save oneself. This isolation coupled with the malignant isolation of social media is driving people to deeper depths where they attempt to battle with their personal demons alone. In these times, the internet has enabled many solutions starting from teaching kids online to counselling via video calls without endangering oneself to the malicious Novel Corona virus. That's how my program of "Therap-e" started where I counsel my patients to acknowledge the threat and take remedial steps to keep it away and be safe and mentally strong. As an #integrative therapist, I bow in gratitude 🙏🏻to all my #teachers, past and present, for all skills and knowledge they have unconditionally imparted, which helped me guide and be a catalyst in transforming my clients thoughts and actions, towards resilience and positivity. We must be mindful and aware of our thoughts and actions and to take responsibility for ourselves (and our loved ones) and seek professional help where required. Remember not to feed your fears and look for a positive side to the events in your life. Life does not throw problems, it gives you challenges..take the. We have the strength within us... but we have to dig deep to find it and develop it. It is easy to pop a pill or some drug and hope things (loneliness, despair, sleeplessness, etc) will go away. They rarely do. In fact they tend to come back with a bigger, maniacal laugh and tower over you making you seem insiginficant and even more helpless. It helps to talk, so Let's Talk with each other - friends , family, even strangers (after all they are just friends whom you have not yet met) and Reboot ourselves and discover novel ways to inventing a New Normal way of enjoying life. We live only Once. Be kind to yourself. Do yourself a favour today.

Wherever you are in the world, I am just a call away. Love, Dr. Jasmine Shah

WhatsApp: +91-98206 45024

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